

时间:2022-11-23 13:35:34来源:搜狐


Photo taken on Sept 23, 2021 shows a farmer drying grains in Guanling township of Hengyang city, Central China"s Hunan province. [Photo/Xinhua]

>Grain output to increase significantly


The nation"s grain output is expected to increase "by a large margin" this year, as overall damage caused by persistent rainfall in recent months was minimal, an official said on Wednesday. 农业农村部发展规划司司长曾衍德10月20日在北京举行的一场新闻发布会上表示,近月来的连续阴雨对我国粮食产量的影响总体有限,预计今年我国粮食产量将"大幅增加"。

This year"s summer grain output was 145.8 million metric tons, up 2.96 million tons year-on-year, said Zeng Yande, who oversees development planning at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.


The yield of early season rice, whose harvest spans July and August, reached 28 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 725,000 tons, he said at a news conference in Beijing.


Zeng said 80% of the harvest has been completed for autumn grains, which account for the bulk of China"s annual grain output, and an overall yield increase now seems certain.


The year"s grain output will set a record by remaining above 650 million tons for the seventh consecutive year, he added.


The Lane Xang EMU train passes by the China-Laos borderline inside a tunnel, Oct 15, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua]

>China-Laos train undergoes dynamic testing


The first dynamic test train departed from Vientiane Station of the China-Laos Railway on Wednesday morning and headed north to the Laos-China border town of Boten, to kick off the dynamic testing along the railway.


Dynamic testing is an important step before the railway is put into operation. It conducts integrated tests on all systems of the whole railway by running a testing train at the specified test speed and with relevant testing equipment, in order to provide a scientific basis for the railway"s opening-to-traffic.


The testing items mainly include track geometry, electric traction power supply, communication and signaling system, passenger and freight service system, noise, vibration, and electromagnetic environment.


The dynamic testing, undertaken by the China Academy of Railway Sciences Corp, will take an estimated 18 days.


The China-Laos Railway is a docking project between the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative and Laos" strategy to go from a landlocked country to a land-linked hub.


Vials labelled "Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine" are seen in this illustration picture taken May 2, 2021. [Photo/Agencies]

>US approves "mix and match" booster dose


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Wednesday authorized COVID-19 booster doses of Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, and approved "mix and match" booster doses for currently available approved COVID-19 vaccines.


Preliminary results from a government study of different booster combinations found an extra dose of any type revs up levels of virus-fighting antibodies regardless of the brand people first received.


But recipients of the single-dose J&J vaccination had the most dramatic response - a 76-fold and 35-fold jump in antibody levels, respectively, shortly after either a Moderna or Pfizer booster.


The latest moves would expand by tens of millions the number of Americans eligible for boosters and formally allow "mix and match" booster shots - making it simpler to get another dose, especially for people who had a side effect from one brand but still want the proven protection of vaccination.



>Campaign against internet-user account malpractice


The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has launched a campaign with aims to effectively solve prominent problems in the operation of internet user accounts. User accounts for instant messaging, news and information, live streaming, online gaming, e-commerce and other types of online platforms will be the focus of the campaign, CAC said on Tuesday.


Malpractice such as renting or selling online game accounts to minors, the malicious marketing of internet user accounts, and using illegal information in the names of user accounts, will be punished.


Regulation of the registration and management of user accounts will be strengthened, to ban the re-registration of accounts that were closed in accordance with laws and regulations, with the same or similar names.


CAC called on website platforms to shoulder their responsibilities, and guide account operators to regulate their behaviors, thus contributing to creating a healthy cyberspace.


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