

时间:2022-11-25 18:53:41来源:搜狐



英语时文阅读 中高考母题

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Blood pressure is the measure the pressure of the blood within the circulatory system. If you have high blood pressure, it could lead to as heart disease, stroke, among other life threatening problems. All that bad news aside, there is some good news that comes in the form of healthy foods that can prevent, lower and even reverse the heart damage caused by high blood pressure. Here are five of those foods.

1. Oatmeal. Oatmeal has long been known for its heart healthy benefits. These heart healthy benefits come about due to oatmeal’s ability to deliver on high-fiber, low-fat, and low-sodium.

2. Bananas. Bananas have several healthy vitamins like vitamins C and B-6. They also deliver on other nutrients. But the thing bananas are most known for, is one of the best things for your heart: Potassium.

3. Potatoes. If bananas aren’t your thing, that’s just fine. You have several more options to get that all-important potassium. One that ranks high on the list is potatoes. In one potato, it contains about 897 mg of potassium. That’s 25 percent of the suggested amount.

4. Dark chocolate. There are so many heart healthy benefits of dark chocolate — almost too many to list. In a 100 gram bar with 70-85% cocoa contains fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, as well as plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. Research has found that dark chocolate may improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. The study suggests that up to 100 grams per day of dark chocolate may be associated with a lower risk of CVD.

5. Berries. Berries like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries … really anything with the word berry in it, are a good source of polyphenols, especially anthocyanins, micro- nutrients, and fiber.





