
印度电煤供应紧张「印度煤炭告急 引发电力危机 | 经济学人早报精选」

时间:2023-03-23 11:01:01来源:搜狐

今天带来印度电煤供应紧张「印度煤炭告急 引发电力危机 | 经济学人早报精选」,关于印度电煤供应紧张「印度煤炭告急 引发电力危机 | 经济学人早报精选」很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)

Bottom of the heap: India’s coal crunch

The lights are starting to flicker in India. Most of the country’s electricity comes from 135 coal-burning power stations and the majority of them are rUnning with less than three days’ supply of fuel. demand for coal has surged as India’s economy rouses itself from one of the worst covid-induced contractions anywhere. In August power consumption was more than 16% higher than it had been in 2019. Unseasonal rainfall has slowed excavation and transport of coal from India’s mining belt. Meanwhile global prices are nearing record highs, thanks to a similar surge in demand in China.

Rajasthan’s state government has imposed rolling one-hour blackouts in 12 districts to cope with shortages. Other state governments are begging the prime minister, Narendra Modi, to help. He might like to emphasise his country’s growing commitment to renewable energy in the run-up to COP26, the UN climate summit due to start within the month. But Mr Modi also needs to keep India’s recovery humming.

Bottom of the heap: India’s coal crunch


Bottom of the heap 堆放,放一堆,积累

India 印度

coal 煤 ; 煤块 ; 上煤 ; 加煤给…加煤 ; 把…烧成炭

crunch 嚼 ; 发出碎裂声 ; 行进发出响声 ; 压碎声 ; 碎裂声 ; 紧要关头 ; 困境 ; 症结 ; 令人不快的重要消息 ; 不足 ; 短缺 ; 缺钱 ; 至关重要的 ; 最后一线胜机的

The lights are starting to flicker in India. Most of the country’s electricity comes from 135 coal-burning power stations and the majority of them are running with less than three days’ supply of fuel. Demand for coal has surged as India’s economy rouses itself from one of the worst covid-induced contractions anywhere. In August power consumption was more than 16% higher than it had been in 2019. Unseasonal rainfall has slowed excavation and transport of coal from India’s mining belt. Meanwhile global prices are nearing record highs, thanks to a similar surge in demand in China.


flicker 闪烁;闪现

power stations 发电厂 ; 发电站 ; power station的复数

less than 少于 ; 毫不 ; 完全不 ; 一点都不

supply of fuel 燃料供应

power consumption 动力消耗

Unseasonal 不合时令的

more than 比…更;比…更重要 ; 超出需要;超乎寻常

thanks to 幸亏;归因于

in demand 很受欢迎;需求量大

Rajasthan’s state government has imposed rolling one-hour blackouts in 12 districts to cope with shortages. Other state governments are begging the prime minister, Narendra Modi, to help. He might like to emphasise his country’s growing commitment to renewable energy in the run-up to COP26, the UN climate summit due to start within the month. But Mr Modi also needs to keep India’s recovery humming.


blackouts 断电 ; 停电 ; 新闻封锁 ; 灯火管制 ; blackout的复数

cope with 对付…

shortages 不足 ; 缺少 ; 短缺 ; shortage的复数

prime minister 首相 ; 总理

emphasise 强调 ; 重视 ; 着重 ; 使突出

renewable energy 可再生能源

run-up 前期 ; 准备阶段 ; 准备 ; 助跑 ; 助跑距离

due to 由于 ; 应付

humming 哼 ; 发嗡嗡声 ; 活跃 ; 繁忙 ; hum的现在分词



“COP”是缔约方会议(Conference of the Parties)的简称,指的是联合国气候变化框架公约197个成员国的会议,简称联合国气候变化会议。








